So Target can piss off, and take their totally over hyped Missoni collection and shove it. Here's what I've been working on in my non-monster knitting time. Inspired by the Missoni throw pattern on Ravelry, I'm knitting only one repeat of it to make a scarf. We'll see how it turns out. I'm using Caron Simply Soft for the first try....if I love it I'm going to modify the pattern to get a few more zigs and zags, and use a nicer yarn.
The colors: (this took forevvvvvvver to pick since I was trying to match the original pattern as closely as possible)
Here's how far I am. I was really cruising on it, but then I entered a craft show in Columbus, so it's put to the side for the time being!
I love how tidy it is!
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