Friday, December 2, 2011
Come on out!!!
Tonight and tomorrow afternoon! Come see myself and many other excellent Toledo artists selling our goods on St Clair St in downtown Toledo! I will be at Sur St Clair along with Stephanie Elton, Michelle Albright, Danielle Herrera, and several other artists. Shop local this holiday season!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Last minutes
You can ignore the messy couch, thanks.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Knee deep.
Can we just say I'm up to my ears in half finished pelts, three bags of stuffing, 14 packages of safety eyes, and a bag of chocolate cinnamon m-n-ms, frantically trying to pull my shit together before Crafts Gone Wild next Saturday?
And yes, I did say chocolate cinnamon. I got them at Target today and they're fairly amazing.
We're watching the Lions lose and it's more than likely my cat's fault. Any time he's over here visiting from my parents, they totally tank. Therefore Lions fans, I apologize.
Has anyone else checked out the kids Harajuki Mini clothes at Target?? DYING!!!!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
All hands on deck.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Scarlet and grey
I should really do a post about all the absolutely ridiculous brain melting TV we watch. Lets just say this-Toddlers and Tiaras. Probably 8 episodes in the last three days. Little Miss, Tiny Miss, Glitzy Tiny Miss. Can't get enough.
I haven't been totally sucking the last few days. I did pull out the more Halloween-y theme toys out of the glass cabinet and make a cute little vignette on top of the TV!
So cutey. I have so many toys cluttered up in the cabinet I like to be able to get different ones out every now and again to highlight.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Somebodys got a case of the Mondays
*my ipod is full of all new music!
*I have yumyum leftovers for lunch
*holidays creamers are outttt! We chipped in for a Keurig in my department, this is my saving grace a lot of days.
Why does my car smell like chocolate?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tids and Bits
Ordered yarn to, going against everything I believe in, knit OSU monsters. Got it today. Much thicker than I expected. BOO. Thumbs down boo. Clearly a sign that OSU monsters are a bad idea, obvs.
The house is freezing. Still not turning on the heat.
As usual, feel behind on knitting for the show.
I made a new blog header! It still looks like I don't know what I'm doing!
We made the most yummy potato pancakes out of all things, instant mashed flakes. They were deeeelish.
Do not buy the Almond Joy creamer that there are a million commercials for that looks amazing. It is expensive and a giant letdown.
Any couponers out there? Ryan and I are so gung ho about this after watching Extreme Couponers on TLC, but he's been looking and all the coupons out there suck!! Obviously its possible if these women are doing it, we even saw a vegan couponer last night...but how are they gettting good stuff and Ryan is finding coupons for a dollar off four tubs of Crisco?!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The ugly truth.
Here's what Ryan and I did last month.
We went to WWE Smackdown!!!! Third row ringside. It was spectacular and worth every penny.
And yes, we made signs. Oh, did we make signs.
We were on TV like crazy. This sign looks really grainy in the photo, but it's my best friend's baby's name. Thea love!!!
Yep, I'm 34 and went to wrestling. And held out and Stub-Hubbed so we could get killer tickets. No shame!
Missoni love!
The colors: (this took forevvvvvvver to pick since I was trying to match the original pattern as closely as possible)
Here's how far I am. I was really cruising on it, but then I entered a craft show in Columbus, so it's put to the side for the time being!
I love how tidy it is!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Popsicle fingers
The worst part of it is I have literally about 50 finished pieces that can be sold...I just really detest writing Etsy listings. :o
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mothers day haul
I'm in looooove with that dusty green. And I caved on the crackle polish craze!
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Beary huge.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Bye bye monster!
Another baby finds a home!! This went to a darling little girl who contacted me after Artomatic was over for a bday present for her boyfriend. She picked it up today and had the cutest hairstyle and adorable outfit!! I was at my parents so of course Lucy had to march her furry little butt in and be sociable. I was happy to see him go to a good home, my mom was bummed because it was her favorite and she thought she was going to steal it! Funny thing is, this yarn was such a fluke. It was HIDEOUS in the skein, but I had a feeling it might turn out alright once knitted up. It's referred to in the house as "clown puke yarn." It really has a lot going on.
I'm on a yarn diet, aside from two balls I have to buy for a project for my best friend. I was tidying up a bit today and filled up an entire big Rubbermaid with all the yarn that wouldn't fit in my actual yarn organizer. I'm not even going to count how many balls I have because that just sounds scary.
Oh, did I mention I was hand dying yarn today...and after I de-smurfed myself from the blue dye leaking out of the jar....later I was trying to rearrange the very complicated system I had going on, and spilled an ENTIRE bowl of purple dye all over the kitchen floor?!?!?! I'm not even going to get into how it happened, but it actually could have been way worse than it was. Nothing got stained, my ETID hoodie went unscathed, and there was the teeniest bit of dye left in the bowl that I can still finish the yarn...which I think might turn out ugly anyways. Still, not the way I wanted to spend a day off, mopping up purple dye water.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A smashing success.
Artomatic is all done for the year! Its always a little bittersweet, you feel like you're leaving summer camp or something because you meet all these new people and then (at least in my socially awkward case) you have no idea when you'll see them again! I did AMAZING though, so much better than I ever could have anticipated. I adopted out 31 monsters!!! I definitely would not have done as well had I not had Ryan and my mumma to help me build/watch the booth.
You think I'd be all knitted out, at least for awhile, but I've already cast on a new project for a Ravelry swap and I have one more little thing to make for my best friend before I can take a break...but I really can't ever take a break because then it's time to work on stuff for S Type Creative and Red White and Kaboom!
Oh well. There are far worst things in life than nonstop artsing and crafting :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
The agency is open
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
Love itttttt
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Fully aware we're losers.
This was us last night, gearing up to watch Wrestlemania.
Not pictured: GIANT bowl of buffalo chicken dip, two different kinds of chips to dip in it, and the Christmas stocking directly above us that is still hanging up for some reason.
I won't bore you all with talk about Wrestlemania, except to say that the ending sucked. And yes, we are fully aware its not real. We refer to it as our "stories."
I will however, say that Artomatic was a huge success!!! I sold waaaay more monsters than I had anticipated, which puts me in a knitting frenzy this week, but I can't complain. Davy Rothbart from Found magazine spoke and was even better than the first time I saw him.
If you couldn't make it to Artomatic, you still have the 9th and the 16th to check it out!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ready Set Go!
Things that still need to be done today, aka thank god I took the day off work.
*Tag all items
*Photograph all items
*Figure out what the hell we're sitting on for 11 hours.
*Get change from the bank.
*Dye hair
*Go crazy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Some light reading.
Click here to read it on!
Half a sigh of relief.
I have the best boyfriend in the world. He's put up with the past week of me freaking out, second guessing everything I'm doing for Artomatic, and basically being a tiny tyrant-aka "MORE TO THE LEFT!!!!!" Without him, my display would have been a halfassed table and not the awesome tree we built. I'm so excited for next Saturday now! He's been my biggest cheerleader and put up with 3 months of "No we can't go out, I have to knit." So excited for our year and a half anniversary next month-we have a big date of Olive Garden and going to see Arthur planned.
Today was the best day ever. Woke up, laid on the futon together and watched Napoleon Dynamite, (even thought everyone knows Gentlemen Broncos is FAR superior. Then again, people obviously DON'T know, since that movie went nowhere.) Got up and showered, got our stuff together, and finished the installation with zero mishaps. To celebrate our accident and divorce free weekend, we ordered a ridiculously huge amount of White Castle (I didn't even know it was possible to spend $18 there,) came home and watched The True Story of Wrestlemania which I have been dyyyyyyyying to get. So far only the first of three discs is on Netflix, but it was SO GOOD. I know I'm probably totally losing people here with my utter nerdiness, but sorry. I love WWE wrestling. Ryan and I call it our stories :P After that was done we started watching another documentary about the 50 greatest WWE stars of all time.
I should really do a post about Netflix recommendations. I watch some pretty oddball stuff.
The display is almost done!
Just a sneak peek-all these monsters still need finishing touches, and there will definitely be more monsters added!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Motley Crue
So after the first part of the day went well enough, we actually had to build the display. I go to get the now infamous sketch out of my bag....and dig...and realize it must be wrapped up in the paint filled tarp we left downtown. You know, just the one piece of paper that has all the measurements we need on it. Excellent. We go over to my parents so I can take my dad's truck. The trailer is still attached to the truck, so Ryan and my mother assure me that the back of the Hummer is big enough to bring home the wood. I am skeptical-just putting that one on the record. So we go to Menards....wood comes in 4' or 8' Four is too small, the Hummer probably tops out at six feet wide. Menards only cuts 2x4s, not actual wood. Do we see an issue here? Ryan suggests tying it down to the top of the car. I suggest me having a resulting anxiety attack. We go home and un-trailer the truck (aka Ryan takes the trailer off, I stand there and hold a wheel) all while in cold yucky rain. Go back to Menards, get the wood, get in line...and realize we forgot the Astroturf. Finally get out of Menards. I freak out the entire way home because its a short bed truck and two feet of wood are hanging out the back and "wiggling" and I'm convinced its going to blow away/snap in half. Once we pull in the driveway I realize Ryan was right and we should have left the tailgate down. Oops.
We cut, and cut, and cut, and cut. No one loses a finger. Considering a hand jigsaw was involved, I consider this a big win. Not #winning. Why not? Because I'm over people thinking severe mental illness/psychotic breaks are funny and publicity worth.
In the midst of this, I devise an all new project. Poor Ryan.
I use lots of spraypaint. Despite the bandanna over my face I'm still blowing out green snot two days later. Healthy!
You would think this all sounds like its going well enough, at least post-wood buying. Except for when I look at the display and say to Ryan, "There's no way this is going to stand on its own." He says, "I've. been. trying. to. tell. you. that. all. day." Me: "Well. You know that sometimes you just need to be firm with me!" We think we have it figured out...we think.
So the current result is....I'm still way behind. I still need to make the shelves and we have to figure out how they're getting attached/how this whole thing is getting stuck to the wall. I still need to cut things out of styrofoam and paint things. All those monsters in the above photo still need mouths. I have a whole herd of monsters that still need stuck together/random limbs knitted. All by April 2. Aaagh!
Refer to the sketch
Re: post title-Otherwise known as "A comedy of errors."
So this is how Artomatic 419 prep Day 1 went.
Load car-ladder, paint, roll of paper, tarp, screwdriver, chalk, paintbrushes, etc. We are ready to GO!
Get to space, drag very heavy things up three very long flights of steps. Realize we can not possibly listen to any more "sexy sax man" jazz coming from the other side of the building and load up Pandora on my blackberry. Commence listening to "Pussy Money Weed." Upgrade? Not really. Ryan at some point takes over the station and turns on High on Fire. Luckily we had no one else working on our side of the floor, I doubt they would have been pleased with either selection.
Manage to tape off the space without divorce resulting. Get geared up to paint....only to realize MY MOTHER (ahem) had not tamped the can lids down firmly and one of the gallons had dumped over in the plastic tub. Not a lot, but still enough to get all over the plastic bags and box of chalk, etc. Throw on one coat of paint, mercifully it covers! (We were prepared to paint...and paint...and cover that sacred heart. Have you ever tried to repaint a red room? Yeah, now you see why I was so nervous. We probably could have even got away with just one coat.)
Drama. Oh the painting drama. I wish I could have recorded all the horrification that ensued over us painting over that mural you see above. Mind you, the painting is totally 'legal.' You're allowed to paint over whatever was in the space. I had this exact coversation.
Older couple sees us taping off the wall: You're going to paint over that?!
Me: Mmhmm.
OC: Really?!?!?!?!? *dissapointed faces*
Me: Yep. In about 5 minutes actually.
OC: There's no way you can work with it?????
Me: No. No.
Seriously. What about a sacred heart, cherries, and dice says "Yay!!! Cartoony land of monsters!!!!!"? That's right, nothing. Gleeful painting followed.
Take a break to let the first coat dry, try to walk to Jed's, Jed's is closed, we go to Frickers. I go to the bathroom to wash the paint off my hands...and get stared down by every table. Perhaps it was my Tupac-style bandanna I was wearing to keep the paint out of my hair and my Bayside CULT hoodie? I don't know.
Go back to the space, paint, realize we need to leave the tarp there to dry because there is paint everrrrrrrywhere. Have the weirdest most awkward encounter with our space neighbor that we're still talking about ("How do you think BILL is going to feel about this?", manage to carry a ladder down three flights of stairs without injury, pack up the car, and leave.
Throughout this whole day, every day Ryan asks a question, I inform him to "refer to the sketch!" which is a a folded up piece of notebook paper I've been carrying around that I drew up in 30 seconds to try to explain what the hell I mean when everyone asks me "You're knitting monsters? I don't understand." My lovely carpenter/painter threatens to walk out if I bring up the sketch one more time.
We get home, unpack everything. So far so good, right?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
She keeps a corpse under her bed.
Not after today!
La la la
Today will be spent making up all the monsters who poor empty pelts are in a pile. Expect a photo post for every single one, because I'm an asshole like that. Also expect them to be terrible Blackberry pics, because oh right. My camera got stolen. And I can't afford a new hard drive still, so I can't hook up my point and shoot.
Someone bring me lunch, the monster sweatshop is open.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Oh I juss helpin.
Still no money for a new hard drive, so Blackberry blogging it shall be!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Daily 2.20
Therefore, please enjoy this photo from last week. This is how happy I look when my boyfriend is making his delicious homemade chicken fettucine alfredo, and I get to sit and knit. My contribution to the meal was rosemary rolls using Pioneer Woman's recipe. I HIGHLY recommend it. Bread with tons of butter, fresh rosemary, and sea salt baked in a cast iron skillet? How can you go wrong!
It was the perfect finish to a perfect day spent at the cat show. And I will diiiiiiie if I don't get a brush coat Peterbald kitten.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Daily 2.14
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Friday, February 11, 2011
Workin 9 to 5
This etsy shop gonna make a milly.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Daily 2.10 Bonus Version
I personally prefer mine wet.
The Daily 2.10
*edit. Not as cool as I'd hoped now that I got to read it. Bumzo! :(
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Open for business
The Artomatic monster sweatshop is open for business ladies and gentlemen!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ryan: Being an asshole.
He's a good parent people, I swear.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Mr Pickles
I'd love to share with y'all how we decided to name the rest of the kids, but seriously its one of the most amazing ideas Ryan and I have ever had, so it needs to stay top secret until Artomatic. Let's just say it involves one Netflix and one of my most faaaavorite things.
My mom thinks Pickles needs a heart. Y/N?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The daily 1/19
Look at that chipped nail polish. Quel horror!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
At least I can make a shank out of Jolly Ranchers
Prison shows. A lot lot LOT of prison shows. Lockup, Lockdown, do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around. I have no idea when I became so obsessed with prison shows. I also have ones queued up about Gitmo, being in solitary, etc etc. Along with watching entirely too much Law and Order and now feeling that I can catch any perp, I am clearly now supremely qualified to be a corrections officer...which I actually really want to be, but Ryan is categorically opposed to. BIG TIME.
Fame (not the movie, for all you people to young to the early 80s, there really was an actually television show for it. AND I LOVE IT. Coco, Martelli, them all!!!!)
A large mess of terrible reality shows. TERRIBLE.
Ruby -I know, I have no idea why I love her. Maybe because even though she's up against so much she's always so "hacky."
Toddlers and Tiaras-I just like to scream at the TV about how effed up these parents are and how their three year olds look like they're 40
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making the Team-I love cheerleading stuff. I'll even watch those competitions on ESPN
Religious/Paranormal/Spiritual programming-I love Vatican, Judaica (thats my new big one), anything dealing with Santeria, posession, faith based miracles, etc
Transgender/Gay/Drag Queen documentaries (I LOVE documentaries in general-thats 85% of my queue, but somehow I managed to add like five transgender documentaries last week haha)
Mentally disabled/autism documentaries ESPECIALLY if they deal with mental instituations from the 50s-80s. I know, I have problems.
Oh yeah. Somewhere in there I watch normal stuff like oh, MOVIES. I did watch White Oleander last week. I thought it absolutely sucked compared to the book. They took a beautiful meaty book thats like a 3" paperback and shrank it to a weak watered down movie. Skip the movie, read the book.
And stay out of my netflix queue. It'll warp your mind. ;)